Our Story
Toowoomba City Bowls Club
Established in 1938, the Toowoomba City Bowls Club has earned the reputation as 'the friendliest little club in town'.
Located right in the heart of Toowoomba’s CBD, the Club is just a short walk from major shopping centres, accommodation, theatres and restaurants.
Toowoomba City Bowls Club boasts a well manicured dwarf green and a three rink carpet green catering for a maximum of 80 bowlers at any one time.
Our members are always ready with a smile and willing to give new players the advice and tips they need to improve their game.

Interested in becoming a member?
It is our Club’s aim to create a positive environment and experience for all people who participate in bowls.
While playing lawn bowls:
You'll make friends, you might not otherwise have met
It will help with stress and boost your health
It's an opportunity to try something new
You'll develop new skills and strategies
You'll have fun!
City Bowls Club participates in:
District Pennant’s competitions
Inter-club matches with other Toowoomba and district clubs
Self- selected or club-selected competitions
Corporate Carnival, for businesses, conducted in March and November
Social events etc.
Annual Membership fees are $165 (Inc. GST), a nomination fee of $20 is required when joining. To apply for membership please complete the application form below and return it to the Club along with your nomination fee and signed privacy and social media consent form. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on (07) 4639 2273.